No mandatory minimums or retainers. Get a Certified Salesforce Consultant in your Salesforce CRM instance. All time tracked with full transparency, on digital timesheets. Can set monthly or weekly maximums for budgeting purposes.

$100 / hr, pay as you go, for Certified Salesforce Consultants
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Implementation package:

Quickly implement and configure Salesforce CRM with certified Salesforce Admins. Perform complex migrations and strategic enhancements. Set up dashboards and reports to empower you to understand your business.

Starting at $3000.
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Salesforce Audit:

Get More out of Salesforce. Perform audit of current usage and provide recommendation on how to improve on under-utilized and under-performing aspects of your Salesforce ecosystem.

Starting at $1000.
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AppExchange Integrations:

Deploy Salesforce AppExchange apps with experienced experts. Deliver comprehensive roadmap of integration proccess and identify best way to transform your CRM into your most valuable asset.

Starting at $1500.
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Database Cleanup:

Optimize your CRM database by performing field and record audit. Remove duplicates, merge records, streamline field usage, and clean unreliable data.

Starting at $1500.
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